Feb 25, 2010

Making goo.

New goo. Blue goo. Gooey. Gooey. Blue goo. New goo. Gluey. Gluey.
[from "Fox in Socks" by Dr. Seuss]

We made a goo. Blue, because it's N.'s favorite color. Actually, we've made it a few months ago, but it is still alive and we still play with it.
It's rather simple.

1 tsp of Borax
4oz of Elmers glue (PVA glue)
food coloring -optional

In the mixing bowl, mix glue and water 1:1. Stir well.
You can add a food coloring if you'd like. Keep in mind that it will stain your hands.
In the small cup mix borax and 1 cup of water. Mix until dissolved.
The following is better done with two people. Keep stirring glue, add borax solution, few drops at the time. You'll see how the glue is polymerizing. It will be harder and harder to stir the slime, keep mixing for as long as you can. [you will have some left over borax, never mind it] Let the mixture sit for a couple of minutes. Finish mixing by hand.

Have fun! Make balls, and feel the bounce; stretch it; make a snowman and see it "melt"...
Store the slime in a ziplock bag in the cool place. It's not toxic, but it's not edible.

PS: (if there's no Borax where you live, it's possible to make goo, using starch instead. The goo will have a slightly different feel. Use this recipe: 1/2 cup liquid starch
1/2 cup PVA glue. Mix starch and glue together until it feels like silly putty. Store in airtight container in the fridge. It should last a couple of weeks.)

(image: Mamalya)

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