Feb 8, 2010

making Valentines

We have just finished making Valentines for little N.'s classmates. Little kids appreciate trinkets more than a sophisticated card with a thoughtful message. And all kids like bubbles, don't they!?

For the "mind-blowing Valentines", you will need:
-bubbles in tubes ($10/48 tubes) Sold at Walmart, craft stores and party stores as wedding favors;
-construction paper;
-optional: crayons, markers, stickers, glitter to decorate the hearts.

Fold the paper in half, draw the heart shape. You can also draw a butterfly. It works beautifully.

Cut the shape out.

Cut the slots for the tube: make two parallel cuts (about 1/8" apart) at the right angle to the grease line.

Open the heart and weave the tube down into one slit and up through the other.

Write the child's name and decorate the heart if desired.

1 comment:

  1. Ohmigod I love love love your blog design. Real gem.
