Mar 3, 2010

Beach must-have

We are back from vacation. It was an exciting one: we survived the tsunami scare and got some yummy ahi for lunch; learned a lot about Hawaiian history (the flag makes you want to visit Wikipedia); tried Spam musubi; and much more...

But today's post is about a must have item that should be in everyone's beach bag but very few people actually have it – baby powder. Seriously, it will change your life.

Unless the beach is a short walk away, you have to dry yourself up and change back into your shirt and pants. But it's unbelievably difficult to rinse off all the sand. And that is what the powder is for. Just sprinkle some on yourself after you get dry and wipe off. The sand falls right off. You can have an itch free drive home. Guaranteed.

(image by Mamalya: Hanauma Bay, Hawaii)

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