Complete me.

The kiddo is going to have a "gift exchange" at school for the Valentine's day. Since, most of the parents shop for V-day goodies at the same big-box store, we try to come up with something a bit more original (and sugar free). And it has to be something you can make cheaply, fast, in large quantities (we have 30 kids in the class this year) and with a "help" of a 5 yo.

Small kids love bubbles almost as much as they love candy; so we decided to go with bubble wands again. They were a big hit last year. I got a pack of pink bubble tubes with heart tops at the wedding aisle at the craft store (who cares that it was intended to be a wedding day favor!? Stuff at THAT aisle is more tasteful than what's sold for the V-day).

Then we made tags. We cut out small hearts, and did two thumbprints on each. We drew faces on one print, leaving the other one unfinished. I hope that the kids will draw on it after they get the bubbles. [by the way, the Thumbprint drawing book was a huge hit with my daughter] 
I thought of writing "complete me", but 3-5yo aren't good at V-day humor. The back side of the tag has Kiddo's name.

We managed to squeeze in a small math lesson - skip counting by 5. We put finished tags in the piles, 5 hearts each. And then counted by 5. I was trying to make a point that skip counting allows you to count faster.
Attach the tags to the bottle tops with a piece of string.
We even decorated the box.


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