October calendar template

Calendar Template

The monthly calendars became one of the favorite activities here. It gives kiddo a chance to practice counting and writing numbers (without her realizing the hidden agenda), and it gives her a chance to draw a picture and have it displayed on the fridge for a full month! It also helps her to get the concept of time. She does not need to ask "How many days till..." - now she just counts the days on the calendar. She can also figure out whether there is a school day or a weekend. See, I told you there's plenty of hidden agenda, yet she LOVES them.

So, for a few days she was reminding me that we need to print out a new calendar. And here it is. I finally figured out how to upload it somewhere, so you could also print out your own copy. Note that I only write the first and last day of the month, because I know that kiddo is capable of filling in the blanks. Add more numbers if your child is not yet comfortable writing all the numbers by himself.


Yesterday we went to the Maker Faire. It was brilliant. All of us have found something to do. And we had a lot of fun. Kiddo's favorite was a vat full of OOBLECK. You might know that we are fond of goop (see here how we made a batch of blue goo). This is a type of goo we have not made yet. And I doubt that we'll ever be able to make THAT much of it.

Oobleck is a mixture of starch and water. It's a non-newtonian liquid. It's fluid and it's hard all at the same time. Kids had a blast running and jumping, and doing a handstand in the vat-full of this stuff. If you run on it, it feels just like rubber; but if you stop, you start sinking in, and it feels like sticky mud. It's weird. It's fun! I should make some next time we have some kids over at our house.

Here's the video of oobleck from the Craftzine blog, the organizers of the Maker Faire.

PS: can you tell that she also liked making the mask? She was wearing it the whole day!
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